Tuesday, December 13, 2011


Do you gravitate to certain things in life?  Do you somehow believe specific colors taste, drive or look better than others?  That a frosted sugar cookie with light blue sprinkles tastes better than one with red sprinkles?  I would never pick up a cookie frosted purple.  It would most definitely taste not as good as one frosted white and sprinkled with blue sparkling sugar.  Do you pick out a certain color of M & Ms or Skittles or jelly beans?  I saw a shirt yesterday while Christmas shopping.  It was a men's dress shirt made of that material that doesn't require a ton of ironing.  It was the only one I found on the dress shirt display in that particular blend of colors.  I wondered, when I could find no other one like it; 1) if it was a left over style from last season and they brought it out to mix it in with the fresh styles hoping to get rid of it, 2) the color of harvest gold from the 1970's was making a fashion come back, 3) if I bought it would people see Doug as a sort of walking shirt form of diarrhea.  There has been some consumer product research regarding increased sales of certain colors.  We are, even with distinctive personal tastes, drawn to certain colors more than others.  Marketing experts know which colors of print and background to combine to drive visual consumption.  I find that amazingly interesting.  Makes me wonder some about God.  I mean really He is the ultimate designer.  Why did He make grass green?  The color of a sunny sky blue?  Ocean water greenish-blue?  Clouds of calm weather white?  Clouds of inclement weather gray and dark?  Leaves green?  Sunsets hues of red/purple/orange?  The moon whiteish and the sun a shade of yellow?  Walmart changed its outdoor sign in recent years.  They took it from Walmart blue to a more earthy brownish tan.  I believe it was an attempt to lessen the cheap and gaudy feel that the bright blue portrays which leads directly in our minds to associating the sign with the products inside.  Brilliant really.  Car manufacturers use that color influencing information in design.  Color has a great deal to do with why a consumer buys a certain car.  Likewise, red cars garner more attention from police officers than probably any other color, with canary yellow  a close second. We like to think that colors don't hold sway.  That we are not preferential to certain hues more than others.  That it doesn't strongly influence what we drive, where we shop, what we wear, and which frosted cookie we choose to eat.  It does. 

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