Saturday, August 21, 2010


As noted in previous posts, I am relatively simple - oh not of the mind, but of the physical trappings of life.  I don't have a whole list of things I absolutely have to have to live.  I do though, have a few; lipstick and all clothing black, white or tan.  My love of lipstick started years ago and was passed down to me through my maternal grandmother who had a love affair with lipstick.  As a kid I would go to gram's house and she would let me open her top dresser drawer to see the magnificent display of tubes of lipstick - dozens of them. I would open them all, gently turn them up and place them in a row on top of the dresser.  The colors were amazing -  bright, shiny, dewy, frosty, matte, glimmery and glittery.  Some colors reminded me of things, like;  candy apples, a peach, pieces of coral, sand, cotton candy, clowns and the wax musuem statues I'd seen.  My gram's lipsticks all came to an amazing point - almost like a high heel.   Carefully I would apply one color at time and stand in front of the mirror to see it's color against my skin, wipe it off, and try the next one.    My dad had a philosophy on makeup when I was a kid that seemed well, harsh - "If the barn needs painting, well then paint it!"  For me, less is always more.  I wear relatively little makeup - an eyebrow pencil, a touch of mascara, a bit of eyeliner sometimes, but always lipstick.  I can rise on a Saturday morning throw on a baseball cap, slip on my running shoes but before I head out to do my miles I must have lipstick on.  My sisters have promised me that if I die before them they will make sure I have lipstick on that compliments my sallow palid death complexion.  I have also made them promise that they will bury me in something white, tan or black - commonly referred to as "the colors of Lynn's rainbow".   Also, no frilly blouses or turtlenecks please.  And, I don't want socks on either as I do not like socks.  They inhibit me:)  I've got afterlife plans that I don't want impeded with unnecessary socks.   If I want people to know me in death as they saw me in life, it's best to stick to the basics - lipstick, black, white, or tan, no socks and a great pair of high heels (bottom of casket open please!).

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