Sunday, June 12, 2011


There is no doubt a contingent out there that even though you have never ever tasted sushi, you will say you don't like it.  You may have even never been near a plate of sushi in your life, but based on the bad rap that raw fish may have, you declare disdain without experience.  There are all different types of sushi and some don't have any raw fish in them at all.  Sushi does have a bit of a bad rap - a connotation of negativity which no doubt was started from people from the midwest (farmers in particular) who are big meat and potato advocates.  If I can try raisins again recently in my mid forties after saying I hate them and now love them (ok love is a bit strong but chocolate covered ones I love!), you too can try sushi!  If you are at all into health, sushi is a sort of "clean" food - one that isn't heavy, involves minimal ingredients and doesn't leave you reaching for a TUMS!  Last night I was reminded once again of how much I love sushi.  Sitting in Red Ginger Restaurant in Traverse City, Michigan eating Firecracker sushi with raw yellow tuna, lettuce wraps and a glass of red wine I smiled inside at how far I have come from the farm I was raised on  - in style, food, thinking, decisions.  As I dipped that raw piece of yellowtail tuna into the small dish of soy sauce a small "yum" came out.  I tried to picture my dad eating sushi.  I couldn't.  Though I would like to see him try to eat a piece, the expression on his face followed by the comment which would fly from his mouth, "That's not real food!" would make all the fun go away.   I passed my love of sushi on to my daughter.  I think E-Harmony should include a another level of compatibility to their already boastful 29 levels - a 30th that includes a love of sushi.  My E-harmony found husband loves sushi.  He though prefers Pignot Grigio to my Red Zinfandel.  Sushi, a glass of wine and 7 days of vacation lie before me!  Tonight another glass of good wine (or two!) with some great food, sweet conversation, laughing and just being free with no time constraints.  Cheers!!!   

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Of course cherries for dessert..... after all, you are in Traverse City!